Authors’ guide
Language: Hungarian, English, German, Russian, Finnish.
Volume: max. 60 000 characters.
Please provide a short summary of your paper in English (or German or Russian if justified by the topic) that contains the title as well. The length of the summary must be between 1000 and 3000 characters. Please also provide 3-7 English keywords and include the author’s contact details and place of employment.
Papers published in Folia Uralica Debreciensia may also be published in other journals in the future, provided that the original place and date of publication is given. The editorial staff of FUD does not accept papers that have already been published in the same language elsewhere, but publication in a different language is allowed.
Formal criteria: Please send your essays and reviews to the address of the editorial staff as unformatted files. Besides necessary emphasis (e.g. headings), no formatting, automatic numbering or cross references are allowed. Please also attach the essay in PDF format, in which the special characters are also visible. If there are tables, diagrams or pictures in the text, they must not be wider than the general width of the journal’s single page spread (12.6 cm).
Linguistic data is to be written in italics.
References within the text must contain the family name of the authors and the year and page numbers in brackets, e.g.: “according to Korhonen (1980: 35–36)”. If multiple papers of the same author are referred to from the same year, they are to be distinguished with lowercase letters of the Latin alphabet, e.g.: Korhonen 1981a, 1981b.
Please use the following citation system in your references section:
Kovács János 1996: A finnugrisztika helyzete ma. Finnugor Tanulmányok 22: 312–365.
Kovács János 1997: Az uralisztika helyzete ma. In: Nagy János – Kis Péter (szerk.), Nyelvészeti tanulmányok. Nyelvészeti Kiadó, Budapest. 54–72.
Papers written in languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet are to be referred to as follows:
Serebrennikov, B. A. 1967: Б. А. Серебренников, Историческая морфология мордовских языков. Наука, Москва.